It must be difficult for a company such as Pixar to release a move every year when we have come to expect greatness from every new motion picture it produces. With such amazing accomplishments as Toy Story, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, and, most recently, Wall E, Pixar has revolutionized the way we look at movies, particularly animation. And if it's not obvious, for what it's worth, I love Pixar movies.
Up is no different, but it isn't an instant classic like the previously mentioned juggernauts. Up is heartwarming, funny, family oriented and even a bit melancholy, though certainly not in a bad way. In short, it's good, not great. I liked it, I didn't love it. I wold recommend it, but don't drop what you're doing to go see it right now.
What Up really lacks is that "X" factor. It just isn't that memorable. I walked out satisfied but the further I get away from that moment, the further Up drifts from my Mind.
Having said all this, Pixar has nothing to be ashamed about, and likely never will for that matter. But with the bar being set so high from previous successes, Up, for me, is on the lower end of the spectrum of great Pixar movies. Plus, I saw it in 3-D, which added basically nothing to the movie. It was kind of cool, I guess, but was just a good movie that they decided to make 3-D as apposed to a good 3-D movie. So save yourself a few extra bucks and see it on a standard screen.
The story was good enough and the characters were likable. I actually thought that Pixar went in an interesting direction making the main character in a kids movie and old man. And a widower at that. But the themes of love and companionship really shine through and Up doesn't disappoint.
Muller's Grade: B
If you liked this flick, check out: Finding Nemo, Kung Fu Panda, Shrek or Coraline which was a great 3-D movie.
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