Okay, if you haven't seen the first Transformers movie, where have you been? It was awesome, go see it. But whatever you do, do not waste ten dollars on Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. It should be revenge of the stereotypical lame sequel.
I'll get right to the point. It was terrible. The story was confusing and even more ridiculous than the first, there were huge plot holes, and the acting was pretty bad, though I blame the production and writing team mostly for not coming up with a decent script.
SPOILER ALERT!!! For instance: I know that the robots are totally cool and can transform into anything, and I should just accept a lot of what happens in this type of movie. That's all well and good until they start making machines that literally look like a human beings, and have other robots teleport whole crowds of people half way across the globe. Explanations please?
Another spoiler alert coming up. Why do we have to kill off the coolest robot (Optimus Prime) five minutes into the movie, when everyone and their mother knows that he's going to be brought back to life at the end. And why does Shia Labuff's character have to die and go to Robot Heaven only to be sent back to "finish his task"? Wow. Hundreds of millions of dollars and that is what we've come up with?
The worst among the long list of bad plot choices in this movie, however, are the two robots that were obviously supposed to be black. It was a blatantly racist portrayal in my humblest of opinions, which didn't necessarily offend me all that much, but will certainly offend many others, especially knowing how much time and effort went into developing these CGI characters. No one thought, "this seems wrong." I mean, the robots were "from the hood," couldn't read, and had gold teeth. It was ridiculous.
The only good part of the movie, besides Megan Fox, was John Turturro. He was hilarious, as usual.
As for the action, yeah it was exciting, but I saw it in the last movie. And it really is pretty hard to tell which giant robot is kicking ass on the other. Oh well, Michael Bay. You can't win them all.
Muller's Grade: D+
If you liked this flick, check out: Transformers, Fast and Furious, and Live Free or Die Hard